Zbx-11209 Visual Bugs In Safari And Chrome For Mac
As, this browser is made only for MAC users, So it does not have any kind visual bugs and makes this browser bugs free browser for MAC. Best Features of Camina Browser: User interface: User interface of Camina browser for mac is amazing. Sep 19, 2016 - Issue Links. Incident report - Incident report ZBX-11209 Visual bugs in Safari and Chrome for Mac. Trivial - Cosmetic problem like. To check if you’re running Safari 6 go to Safari’s menubar and click 'Safari > About Safari'. To ensure you’re running Lion, click on the Apple logo in the menu bar and choose 'About this Mac' To ensure you’re running the correct version of Xcode, open Xcode and choose 'Xcode > About Xcode'.
Aww interesting - I'm sure that negative margin is there for a reason. Can anyone remember? Tnx!:) Glad to help. Reading order is being affected by visual presentation some how.
It sure would be less heavy handed to look at the margin declaration per 's finds rather than changing position and adding display. But, I'm wondering if it may be advantageous to have less absolutely positioned elements in the DOM? That a perf thing? It feels silly to attack an Apple bug from this angle but we know how bug submissions and updates go with that camp. Hey all, so after some fiddling around with the help of in we have landed on a solution a bit more like what I originally was thinking with a twist.bringing back the negative margin which helps with visually oddities with focus ring, removing the absolute positioning, and introducing display: inline-block; and things appear to be working well. I've introduced this snippet into existing projects and things hold up well in all browser/at combinations I can test (mentioned in original post). Reading order in Safari/Chrome/VoiceOver is correct.
It would be great if some others could run this through the ringer. It's a different way for a user to navigate a document, yes, but it's not 'wrong information'. If a user uses VO key + arrow keys to navigate content and they have one experience, and then they use up/down arrow keys to navigate content and they experience different content announcements that may not be clear to them as to why. The fact of the matter is that an aria-label will not be read out when using up/down arrows, as Joe has pointed out with his demo. Aria-hidden content will be announced if navigating the document in this manner. Regardless of if the controls are 'right wrong' it's what happens, so stating it's 'wrong' information is not accurate. Having faced this issue in various projects, I'd tend to think the root cause is that Safari + VoiceOver tend to read content 'by line', or based on what they consider lines of text.
For some reason, CSS positioning comes into play when they decide what a 'line of text' is. I've personally used the same CSS fix in some cases, with good results. Giving the visually hidden element the same approximate height of the line of text it's placed onto certainly helps. In a way, the previous text and the visually hidden text will be considered 'on the same line'. However, this fix won't cover all the cases.
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For example, buttons or other elements containing text might have a height that depends on other CSS properties (explicitly set height, padding, whatever). N my experience, in these cases (see for example the screenshot below) using the 1em/rem fix wouldn't help so much: It would be very interesting if anyone could test the scenario above, when they have a chance 🙂. In my experience/testing, the reading order isn't affected when is used in Safari/VO.
Zbx-11209 Visual Bugs In Safari And Chrome For Mac
Now links that look like buttons are a different story:) So I've with an assortment of link/buttons that rely on different heights and such. I noticed the little visual offset creep back in w/Safari's focus ring and tweaked the margin to 0 and that helped. I'm not able to get it to break with these examples. Is there another scenario you are referencing?
Can you create a demo of it? Updated w/zero margin. In Safari, with the current CSS there is funkiness with the focus ring.
It falls out of bounds a bit. With the new/fix using height: 1rem; & margin:.25rem.25rem reading order is fixed and the funkiness moves to the bottom of an inline link. By using height: 1rem; & margin: 0 the focus funkiness is fixed and reading order is fixed in Safari/VO. But here's the deal, it can be different depending on stuff like resets, Normalize, Bootstrap. The focus funkiness position can be different if using those and I've noticed the height: 1rem; & margin:.25rem.25rem work best there. So with margin being a bit squishy what should we set that to?
0 and let authors tweak it? Or base it off popular things like Normalize and set it to.25rem.25rem? Based on a quick initial testing seems to work:) Was curious to understand why height: auto gives the span a full height, which isn't the normal behavior we're used to. Learned something new: 8.3. The height of absolute or fixed positioned, non-replaced elements If all three of top, height, and bottom are auto: First set any auto values for margin-top and margin-bottom to 0, then set top to the static position, and finally apply rule number three below. Then the height is based on the Auto heights for block formatting context roots, and solve for bottom.
Auto heights for block formatting context roots If it only has inline-level children, the height is the distance between the top of the topmost line box and the bottom of the bottommost line box. Aside: unrelated, but was thinking that any method that uses absolute positioning won't work when the container is a flex container. Behave in a different way and VoiceOver will read out the hidden text first. The only way to fix that I can think of would be not using absolute positioning at all, for example using clip-path (alas not supported in Microsoft Edge). Ha nice finds and makes sense - especially 8.3 as I was fiddling around with transforms at one point and adding backgrounds to the element and was surprised to see it span the height of the box. Thanks for surfacing those!
Yes, I've been thinking about flex and grid and wonder if we should be attacking from the parent since we can't drive up the tree with CSS really. One could almost write a visually hidden framework - ha! I've battled the Flex parent issue with position: relative; on the parent, added.has-flex-parent to the.visuallyhidden element and used right: 0; on the hidden element and VO appears to reads in order. Not ideal, but in this case works.
Definitely a case-by-case thing with newer CSS technologies. In related good news, I've learned that in flex/grid scenarios, visually hidden elements that are grandchildren of Flex parents and Grid parents announce in order w/VO+Safari when using the my latest chunk of.visuallyhidden CSS.