Battery Script For Mac
Hi Again, Bad form to reply to my own post, but I just wanted to make clear that I meant I can't claim credit, not the other way round. The Spell Checker failed me in this instance. Silly missing T. On Mar 28, 2011, at 4:28 AM, Zachary Kline wrote: Hi AllSomeone posted a while back in search of an Apple script to get the battery status on a MacBook. I've gone into the list archives and found this, which I've bound to right-option-b in the keyboard commander.
I say estimate above because acpi shows 93% battery, and my script shows 90% battery, so try this script against your GUI battery percentage, and see how off it is. In my case, it seems to be consistently 3% lower than acpi's percentage. Jun 23, 2013 - Scripting Batteries and UPS on Mac OS X. Shell Scripts and Tools. On a MacBook Pro with its internal battery, this pmctl command might.
New Battery For Mac
I can' claim credit for it, but I hope its useful to anyone who wants it. It's pasted below. Make sure you format it properly when getting this into AppleScript Editor. Hope this helpsZack. - Cut here. (.
Battery Script For Machinal
This Apple script will querie for the battery status and speak the output. This script works best when associated with a keyboard shortcut and used in conjunction with VoiceOver.