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Pembroke Daily Observer Classified ads. Pembroke, Ontario. Sun Media Group.

Steve Anderson of comments on Raw wrestling fans.Oh, the ladies. Some are dressed for after the show, if you know what I mean. They are trying to draw attention to themselves. They want the in-ring combatants to take notice of their scantily-clad status. They do have a name.

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Starts with “r” and ends with “ats.” Self-respect eludes them. Bagging a wrestler for the night is their primary goal. And, to that one “lady” with the lower-back tattoo with Chinese lettering. Honey, I don’t think it said “Peace,” “Harmony,” or “Love.” It said “Kung Pao Chicken.” Then, you have an assortment of others.

Wannabe wrestlers. Guys and gals with aged t-shirts that say “WWF Attitude.” The sober and the drunk incessantly yelling “Whoo” ad nauseum. Seriously, it’s getting old. The man has retired and gone from the promotion. Time to let it go. And don’t get me started on the “What’s.”. Timmy Baltimore, an announcer who was signed to a developmental deal, is returning to OVW.

His contract already expired with WWE and they chose not to re-sign him. Baltimore was sent to FCW after being hired and while some say he's good enough to be put right on WWE TV, he was forced to work as a bell ringer and doing other stuff for Dusty Rhodes in Tampa. Baltimore didn't get to announce a single time and basically told the company that if he knew that was what he would have been doing, then he would not have signed in the first place. Source: Regarding Shawn Michaels & Triple H: 'My anger has passed. I don't blame Shawn or Triple H for what I went through.

When it was time for me to get help, instead of shouting out I kept my mouth shut., Trip and HBK are two of the best wrestlers who ever lived. I harbour no animosity towards them. McMahon is a billionaire who wishes he had a gold medal in the Olympics. I may not have the money, but I am a valuable commodity. He knows, and I know.'

On Vince McMahon: 'He is the smartest, most intelligent, and most successful promoter of all time. Him and I have had our ins and outs, and it's almost come to blows, but Vince and I have a mutual respect for each other. I know how good he he is at what he does, and he knows how good I am.

No-one can break that bond, not Jeff Jarrett, not Dixie Carter. It's like a father-son bond.' Source: Sucking up to Vince, Hunter & Shawn.what a change. No, Kurt they don't want you back. So in the great tradition of CHIKARA contests, we're back again to exploit your artistic skill for our own gain, because we know that you're some of the most talented fans a wrestling company could ask for. We want YOU to drum up your best MV tribute to CHIKARA, past or present. You pick the theme, you pick the song, and we'll pick the winner.

There's no boundaries on the time, or the number of entries you can submit. The contest will run all the way thru September 30th, and we ask that you host your submissions on YouTube or Daily Motion, etc. Instead of sending us a 4GB file direct from your laptop. We don't want those. The winners, as usual will get a mess of CHIKARA goodness - tickets, DVDs, shirts, trading cards, frisbees, posters, and more. So what are you waiting for?

Start dreaming and start tearing it up as we begin our march to find the world's greatest CHIKARA MV! Email all submissions to and feel free to post them here, or on the boards over at CHIKARAFANS.COM for all to see. Jeff Hardy def. The Brian Kendrick via Swanton Bomb Michelle McCool & Maria def. Natalya & Maryse Festus (with Jesse) def. Jack Swagger WWE United States Championship - Fatal 4 Way Elimination Match Shelton Benjamin (c) def. Jimmy Wang Yang, R-Truth & Montel Vontavious Porter Finlay & Hornswoggle def.

Curt Hawkins & Zack Ryder ECW Champinship - No Disqualification Match Matt Hardy (c) def. Mark Henry (/w Tony Atlas) via Twist Of Fate The Undertaker def. The Big Show via Gogoplata WWE Championship - Singles Match Triple H (c) def. Vladimir Kozlov via Pedigree source: TNA gaming fans – this is the moment you’ve been waiting for! Want to fight a TNA Superstar live online in the new “iMPACT!” videogame from Midway?

You’ve got your chance against two of the best in TNA – TNA World Heavyweight Champion 'The Samoan Submission Machine' Samoa Joe and “Black Machismo” Jay Lethal! These two masters of the six-sided ring will be online October 1st and 2nd to battle Xbox LIVE® members. Samoa Joe will be online October 1st while Jay Lethal will be available to play October 2nd. Source: From of TNA's problem is they have no real system to look at or develop new talent. Going back to when the company still did PPVs in Nashville they was discussion of a wrestling school and try-outs and at least one clinic was held in Atlanta to 'try-out' guys, but nobody really found a spot because of it.

Lots of guys and girls were booked by me for XPLOSION matches, including Mr. Kennedy, Kenny Dykstra and others who ended up in WWE, but only a few folk were signed by TNA from XPLOSION matches primarily because the decision makers did not usually bother to watch the matches. Paul Newman died at his Westport home Friday night. Newman had been ill for some time with what published reports said was lung cancer. An actor, film director, entrepreneur, race car driver, racing team owner and humanitarian, Newman won numerous awards, including an Academy Award, two Golden Globe Awards, a Screen Actors Guild Award, a Cannes Film Festival Award, and an Emmy award.

He was also the founder of Newman’s Own, a Westport-based food company which has donated more than $200 million in profits and royalties to charity. Source: Celebrates the Life and Legacy of Paul Newman Obviously not wrestling related, but he stared in my favorite movie, 'Cool Hand Luke'.

He will be missed. Gavin Spears pinned Joe Henning Sinn Bowdee pinned Lupe Martinez Kafu pinned Greg Jackson Heath Miller pinned Tyrone Jones. Black Pain attacked Miller after the match Jack Gabriel & Alicia Fox beat Scotty Goldman & Tiffany in an inter-gender tag match when Gabriel pinned Goldman T.J. Wilson pinned Ryan Braddock Stu Standers pinned Johnny Prime DH Smith rolled up Drew McIntyre while holding the tights Sheamus O’Shaunessy pinned Gabe Tuft Evan Bourne pinned Dolph Ziggler wiith the Shooting Star Press. Undertaker and Triple H beat Big Show and MVP.

MVP and Big Show came out first and separately, Show received a nice pop and even smiled at a girl in the front. HHH followed to a massive pop and finally the Undertaker arrived to an even bigger one. Show and MVP were at the outside at first, with nobody wanting to get into the ring first.

Show then just grabbed MVP and rolled him into the ring to meet HHH. After a few minutes, MVP posed to the crowd.

HHH ducked an attack and then imitated MVP's pose. Taker tagged in and tried to go for Old School, but was blocked. Taker attacked MVP some more and was then able to hit Old School. Taker then took a bump over the top rope (as I think Big Show pulled it down) and it seemed like he got stuck with his foot on the top rope, which certainly didn't do the knee any favors. He hot-tagged HHH who worked with MVP, until finally Big Show got in.

Show dominated HHH and teased the Undertaker, smiling at him in his laid-back, relaxed way. As he reached down, Taker applied the gogoplata on Show, until MVP broke it up. Show headed for the back, HHH motioned for Taker to follow, which he did. Taker and Show brawled down the aisle, and the Undertaker got the better of Big Show.

He looked at HHH and made the cut-throat-motion, signaling the finish. HHH then hit the kick and Pedigree on MVP for then win. Source: Kevin Nash stated last night during an interview with In Your Head radio show that he has not re-signed with TNA. 'We're close to getting everything done, but it's still not official,' Nash said. 'I've heard reports that, you know.

Merchandise we're still pretty far apart. I guess because they're playing hardball, they told me the other day that they pulled me off their web page.' 'I guess I was supposed to call somebody and complain, 'What's going on?' Or lose sleep. I'm more worried with our financial infrastructure crumbling than working in professional wrestling right now (laughs). I've got a lot more to lose with Wall Street than I do with TNA.'

Source: Six retired NFL players are among a dozen athletes who agreed to donate their brains to study the long-term effects of concussions, The New York Times reported on its Web site Tuesday night. Among the living athletes, most with a history of concussions, who have agreed to donate their brains for examination after their deaths are former NFL players Frank Wycheck, Isaiah Kacyvenski and Ben Lynch. Also participating are Noah Welch, who played hockey for the Florida Panthers last season, and Cindy Parlow, a former member of the U.S. National soccer team. Source: everybody had their own wrestlers who they rooted and cheered for last night, Triple H was by far the crowd favorite.

'I got to touch Triple H and the Undertaker,' said freshman Aaron Betz. 'It was a once in a lifetime opportunity.' Betz, who has been to a WWE show in the past and watches their pay-per-view and weekly television programming, said the show last night was amazing. Tyler Gombash, also a lifelong WWE fan and University freshman, gave the show the same assessment.

'Getting to touch Triple H was amazing,' Gombash said. 'Triple H is my favorite wrestler and his was my favorite match of the night.' The final match of the night was the one the crowd got the most excited for. When the music of Triple H and the Undertaker came over the sound system, almost everybody in the arena started screaming and the night was capped off when Triple H hit his signature move, the 'Pedigree.' Source:

WWWF(WWE) @ Washington DC - September 22, 1966 Television taping: Sonny Myers defeated Tony Nero Mr. Kleen defeated Johnny Rodz The Jamaica Kid defeated Irish Jackie Bulldog Brower defeated Pete Sanchez Miguel Perez defeated Ricky Sexton Baron Mikel Scicluna & Smasher Sloan defeated WWWF U.S.

Tag Team Champions Johnny Valentine & Antonio Pugliese to win the titles in a Best 2 out of 3 falls match; fall #2: the challengers won when the match was stopped after Pugliese sustained an injury source: Fan report from The lights dimmed and Motorhead's 'THE GAME' came on.and so did Triple H! He was so pumped up, and he gave the band a cool intro. But the kicker is that for the entire show, HHH and Stepanie McMahon were on the side of the stage, and Stephanie was headbanging like crazy to the whole show! It was so funny watching them act like a couple during the show. HHH looked like he kept making sure she was OK, and she would go over and rub his chest and give him a peck.

It was different for sure. When the show was done, HHH came back on stage and shook hands and then did the end of the show bow with the band. WWE Champion Triple H and his wife Stephanie were in attendance at last night's Motorhead Concert at the Roseland Ballroom in New York City. The concert started off with Triple H's 'The Game' theme music blaring over the PA system with the man himself appearing on stage.

Triple H introduced the band and stood on the left side of the stage in clear view of the crowd for the entire 90-minute show. Stephanie was also there with Triple H, headbanging throughout the concert. At one point, Stephanie jumped on stage to high five drummer Mikkey Dee. During their third song, Lemmy said, 'I'd like to dedicate this next song from Motorizer to Triple H and his lovely wife.' The song was 'Rock Out,' the theme for the Unforgiven pay-per-view.

After the show was over, Triple H came on stage to take a final bow with the band. Source: A Learjet has crashed while departing from a South Carolina airport, killing four people and critically injuring two others including a former member of rock band Blink 182.

NBC News reported that Travis Barker, an ex-drummer with the band who also starred in MTV reality show 'Meet the Barkers', was among those hurt. He was transported to a burn center in Augusta, Georgia, where he was listed in critical condition on Saturday morning. Barker had performed Friday night at an event alongside Perry Farrell, the former Jane's Addiction singer, as well as Gavin DeGraw and DJ AM. Source: WWE Wrestler Jeff Hardy was denied boarding a Southwest Airline flight to North Carolina – and no one got body slammed. Hardy appeared intoxicated at Nashville International Airport's Southwest gate on Wednesday, according to Southwest spokesman Chris Mainz. A Southwest employee reported it and Hardy was told he couldn’t board the flight, Mainz says.

Hardy was not arrested instead the wrestler was offered to take a later flight. “He was very cooperative and there was no altercation,” Mainz says. “There was no need to get police.” Hardy declined Southwest’s offer and made other arrangements, Mainz says. Source: After Jeff Peterson, a independent professional wrestler, died after a long battle with cancer in 2002, less than a year later the Jeff Peterson Memorial Cup, a 16-competitor tournament, was created to benefit someone afflicted with cancer.

This year will be no different. When the Cup is held Sept. 26-27, all proceeds will go Devin Deschaine, a 2-year-old with Stage 4 neuroblastoma, a rare form of pediatric cancer.

Sal Hamaoui, promoter and booker for Pro Wrestling Riot, said getting Devin as the beneficiary happened very quickly. Source: Fan report: Triple H and The Undertaker defeated MVP and The Great Khali.

No Khali can’t wrestle, as this match exemplified, but one look at him live and you see why WWE keeps him around – the guy is a monster. Triple H and The Undertaker got extraordinary reactions – the response to HHH in particular nearly bust my ear drums. There is no doubt who the stars were on this show. Anyway, the match began with a lot of stalling by MVP and HHH – which was kind of old at this point as it had been used throughout the night.

MVP unsurprisingly did the bulk of work for his team – firstly on the receiving end of HHH and Undertaker’s offence, then, after a brief Khali appearance, he was the guy to dish out most of the attack. Khali locked in the vice-grip which Taker powered out of before a hot tag to HHH who cleaned house. A stereo chokeslam to MVP and Pedigree to Khali finished the bout before Undertaker and HHH took turns posturing to the crowd as they began to file out of the arena. Source: A painfully broken Jake 'The Snake' Roberts finally opened up about his public self-destruction at an Ohio wrestling event - admitting the whole thing started when the recovering alcoholic fell off the wagon on the day of the match. Source: Jake's assistant, Sharon, is still claiming that he was drugged: 'We have a witness to the effect of who MIGHT have made a direct attempt to do Jake great harm at the show. WE KNOW WHO YOU ARE.

One of the men IN THE RING with Jake is somebody we are going to take a much closer look at. Somebody saw this man with an emvelope with some powder in it at the show.

Somebody saw what happened here. We now are very SURE Jake was in fact drugged. More details will be forth coming as soon as we can get permission from this fine individual to offer them.' Source: for this, again. Jake was given an open container of what he was told was a cold drink.

That happened when he got to the venue. He remembers nothing between that time, and the time he woke up the next morning in the motel, alone, beaten, injured. I had a really fun time getting him back on the same page, by phone, to just get him to the airport to try to get back home. It was a constant string of conversation just to get him to MOVE. This is not how he behaves ever. On his worst days, Jake has always had total recall.

Jake was drugged. He has been home since Saturday afternoon about 4:30PM and up until last night about 8:30PM, had not eaten or slept.

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His standard answer for everything the last two days has been 'I don't know.' That is the other side of the story, folks, believe it or not, it is certainly your choice. I'm dealing with the guy they sent home, and folks, it is frightening to both me, and to him, and really not much fun. To the guy's that did this, and I say this often when confronted with sub-human behavior, something I see far too often I'm sorry to say, God's a funny guy. You'll get yours, I have no doubt at all.

What would anyone gain by doing this? Someone is obviously of the wagon. The chant “this is b.s.” should never, ever be heard during an A.J.

Styles match, the man is far to talented to ever have fans react in such a manner. However, that is exactly what the crowd at GM Place in Oshawa, Ontario chanted during his “MMA” bout with Frank Trigg. TNA’s pay per view debut in Canada was one of the weakest shows in recent memory, overwhelmed by horrible overbooking by TNA that once again proves that they do not know what their fanbase wants. Source: During No Surrender last night, the TNA pay-per-view feed went black for a few minutes during the A.J.

Frank Trigg match and eventually there was a brief shot of two women in a soft core porn video followed by a TNA pay-per-view commercial. About 10 seconds later, the pay-per-view feed was restored and it was not acknowledged by the announcers who presumably had no idea they even left the air. Source: Shelly 'Salinas' Martinez is through with TNA. She quit the company. It was announced during tonight's No Surrender pay-per-view broadcast that Jacqueline had attacked Salinas backstage. That's the storyline reason for her departure from the company.

Martinez was recently tapped for a role in an Italian film that would have conflicted with her bookings for TNA. Reportedly, she offered to give up the film role if TNA increased her pay, but they refused. As a result, she handed in her notice to the company. Her contract was due to expire next month anyway. Source: At last night's TNA live event in London, Ontario, James Storm took a clothesline to the throat and could not breath. He was not knocked out nor had a concusion as reported.

The fear intially was that he had suffered a crushed or torn larynx. The muscles in Storm's throat were swollen, but there was no tear after x-rays at the emergency room. Storm was released from the hospital, and is anticiapated to be at the TNA PPV tonight. TNA's Director Of Bookings Bob Ryder also reports on that Jackie Moore had three teeth knocked out at the same house show. She too is expected to be at the TNA PPV. Source: Joey Mercury cut an in ring promo at a recent MCW show 'announcing' that he was returning to the WWE, but in exchanges with he suggested that the MCW announcement was or may have been a 'work'.

The only thing that can be confirmed is that he is not taking Independent bookings after January 1st. Now, is reporting that CM Punk is one of the main people trying to bring back Joey Mercury to WWE. Apparently the two are long-time friends and Punk has been going to bat for Mercury with WWE management. Punk has taken on sort of a 'sponsor' role to Mercury and the say Punk's influence has rubbed off. It looks like the rumors of Mercury's return to WWE are indeed true. No Mercy will be the second time in less than a month that Jeff Hardy will challenge WWE Champion Triple H for his title. At Unforgiven, The Legend Thriller was part of the first-ever WWE Championship Scramble Match, where four Superstars attempted to take down The King of Kings.

But with mere seconds to go in the 20-minute encounter, The Game prevailed. Hardy earned a second chance at Triple H’s gold when he defeated United States Champion Shelton Benjamin, Montel Vontavious Porter and The Brian Kendrick in a Fatal Four Way Match on the first SmackDown following Unforgiven. Reports that The Signature Pharmacy case, which led to many WWE suspensions in August 2007, was thrown out by Albany County Judge Stephen Herrick. The judge faulted how prosecutors presented the case to the Grand Jury and threw out indictments against owners Robert Loomis and Noami Loomis, pharmacist Michael Loomis and business managers Kirk Calvert and Anthony Palladino. Judge Herrick blamed the government's quote 'amorphous quality of the evolving indictments' and inadequate instructions to the people on the grand jury.

While walking around Venice last week, Mickey Rourke suddenly stopped and 'pinched myself to make sure I wasn't dreaming.' Twenty-one years and countless stumbles after his last notable film role, the former bad-boy actor is enjoying success again as star of Darren Aronofsky's The Wrestler, which won the top prize at the Venice Film Festival and now is playing at the Toronto International Film Festival. Rourke comments on his wrestling training: 'People think because you were a boxer you can wrestle, but they're day and night,' Rourke said. 'Plus we didn't have a big budget, so we had to cram in three months of wrestling practice.

I was terrible for the first month and a half. Every time some 265-pound guy threw me across the room, I couldn't move for two days. I gained a lot of respect for the sport.' Source:

Is reporting that Triple H and the Undertaker have apparently 'squashed' their backstage beef. While the details of their animosity are not completely known I was told that the resolution had a lot to do with the Undertaker's girlfriend Michelle McCool. One source told me that Undertaker has been telling people that he has 'never been more in love' and is willing to put his beef with Hunter aside for good business as long as he 'doesn't get out of line' and of course so he can be on the road with Michelle. Triple H accepted the 'undercard' program with The Great Khali at SummerSlam to give Undertaker the spotlight as a show of good faith. Here we go again. The Capsule Profile #343in the dual issues of The Wrestler/Inside Wrestling Magazine discusses the career of WWE's Mickie James. The magazine speaks about Mickie James growing up in Richmond, Virginia and training at the KYDA Pro Wrestling Training School.

Dory Funk Jr. Was also given credit for her training as the legendary Funk spent 5 intense days at the KYDA Pro Training School teaching in his Funkin Conservatory style.

The history also discusses Micke James, wrestling as Alexis Laree, working as a manager for then KYDA Pro Heavyweight Champion Tommy Dreamer. Unforgiven was an intriguing event.had its moments.gave some talents a chance to perform on the main stage.and it was interesting to see how the 3 Scramble bouts could have their own unique identity. The show was fun to be a part of because of all the above. On a scale of 1-10 I would give it a solid 7, which equates to value for the price of admission. HHH is one of the established, legit Superstars on Smackdown, who has plenty of potential opponents on SD. HHH adds considerable credibility to the brand. Source:

ECW Championship 'Scramble' Match: Mark Henry (c) vs. Matt Hardy vs. Chavo Guerrero vs. The Miz Winner: Matt Hardy - New ECW Champion World Tag Team Championship Match: Ted DiBiase and Cody Rhodes (c) vs. Cryme Tyme Winners: Ted DiBiase and Cody Rhodes (c) Unsanctioned Match: Chris Jericho vs. Shawn Michaels Winner: Chris Jericho due to referee stoppage WWE Championship 'Scramble' Match: Triple H (c) vs.

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Brian Kendrick vs. Jeff Hardy vs. Shelton Benjamin Winner: Triple H (c) WWE Diva's Championship: Michelle McCool (c) vs. Maryse Winner: Michelle McCool (c) World Heavyweight Championship 'Scramble' Match: CM Punk (c) vs.

Rey Mysterio vs. Batista Winner: Chris Jericho - New World Heavyweight Champion. CM Punk was unable to compete after being attacked by Randy Orton, Cody Rhodes, Ted DiBiase & Manu.In the final stanza, the man known as Killer was given a champion’s send-off, with his boys paying their respects to a man they honored and respected. Among the boys was Paul Levesque, who left the Triple H moniker at home and served as a pallbearer for a man he loved and respected. This was the Killer’s final main event, and Levesque did everything he could to be anonymous, staying in the back of the room and out of the limelight. He was there not as a celebrity, just as one of “Walter’s boys.” “He (Levesque) gave it a lot of dignity and class,” said one attendee. “Walter would have been proud, because he really handled himself like the title suggests.

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He handled himself as a champion.”. Source: World Wrestling Entertainment's big push to step up its Japan business is nowhere clearer than at the SummerSlam Festival, a raucous party charging 3,500 yen ($30) admission for an en-masse viewing of WWE pay-per-view videos on giant screens. The videos can also be watched at home. But the event brings some extra fun — guest wrestlers flown in from the U.S., booths selling WWE T-shirts and keychains as well as plenty of camaraderie with a niche but seriously dedicated crowd. Source:

In the main event, Kane, the Great Khali and MVP teamed up against Rey Mysterio, World Heavyweight Champion CM Punk and WWE Champion Triple H. As each of the competitors made their way to the ring, the crowd seemed to get louder and louder, before finally erupting with the entrance of The Game, Triple H.

As his music hit, people came rushing toward the ringside barriers, giving security a run for their money. MVP took his time running around the ring and gesturing his usual taunt. The Game responded by mocking his taunt and ending with a DX chop, to which the crowd went wild. It was an action-packed match with a lot of high flying and a crowd-pleasing finish, as Triple H led his team to victory. Source: Sunday September 21th 2008 Tall Cedars Hall 2501 Putty Hill Ave Doors open at 6pm Bell time at 7pm Ringside $15 General Admission $12.KIDS UNDER 12 are only $5 for General Admission.

443-858-2755 to reserve tickets Come out to the Essex Day Festival on Sunday September 21st starting at 1pm for a FREE MEET AND GREET with EWA Heavyweight Champion Link Kory and EWA Tag Team Champions Ryan McBride & Teddy Stigma. Be sure to bring your cameras because you can get photos with the wrestlers and title belts as well as autographs ABSOLUTELY FREE! “Excuse me!” I’ve been waiting for weeks to hear those two glorious words spoken with vitriol as as only Vickie Guerrero can. Goodbye whimpering, apologetic Vickie. Welcome back scowling queen of mean. I’m so glad that WWE has resisted the temptation to turn Smackdown’s wickedly entertaining general manager babyface (reportedly that was to be the original ending of her story line with Edge).

It was great to see her morph back into the woman viewers love to hate last night on Smackdown. I’m not sure even Chris Jericho has generated as much heat from the crowd as Guerrero did while she was cutting her promo last night.

Source: WWE Diva's Championship: Michelle McCool (c) vs.

Maryse I love the Diva Championship belt, but I am not interested in seeing these two 'wrestle' at all. I do wish that would sell replica belt buckles of the belt. I would buy that. World Tag Team Championship Match: Ted DiBiase and Cody Rhodes (c) vs. Cryme Tyme This should be a good one.

Ted DiBiase is definitely the star of this group. Since Cryme Tyme is over as faces I think the titles should stay with the current champs. ECW Championship 'Scramble' Match: Mark Henry (c) vs. Matt Hardy vs. Chavo Guerrero vs. The Miz Oh God ECW.

I just don't get it. Mark Henry is pitiful in the ring. I'd like to see Matt with the title. He's earned it. World Heavyweight Championship 'Scramble' Match: CM Punk (c) vs. Rey Mysterio vs.

Batista I'm sure CM Punk will retain the title, but as long as they don't put it on JBL or Mysterio, I'm a happy camper. WWE Championship 'Scramble' Match: Triple H (c) vs. Brian Kendrick vs. Jeff Hardy vs.

Shelton Benjamin I would like to see Jeff get the title and re-new his feud with Triple H. A Shelton Benjamin/Triple H feud would be good also. Unsanctioned Match: Chris Jericho vs. Shawn Michaels I don't think it matters who wins this match because it is going to be amazing regardless of the outcome.

I would expect Shawn to get the pin. With Unforgiven just days away, WWE Superstars Jeff Hardy, Big Show and WWE Champion Triple H brought gigantic smiles to the faces of Make-A-Wish’s Deyanira Santana of New York and Camden Martin of St. Louis, Wishing Well Foundation’s Jessica Kuebler of St. Louis, and Dream Factory’s Christian Mowry of Sullivan, Mo.

The Game got a surprise that made him blush. Jessica asked the WWE Champion out on a date to one of her favorite St.

Louis steakhouses. “It’s always great to meet True Champs.

Usually, you’re there to put a smile on their face, but they end up putting a smile on yours, because they’re so full of life,” said The Game. “That was very nice of Jessica to give Cena and Orton get well cards To see a kid beaming is the best part of our profession.” And Triple H was still smiling over his date request. Paul Guay is a Hollywood screenwriter who never understood why Tinsletown execs looked down on the pro wrestling business and it's fans in particular. Paul Guay claims in the story, 'I really think it's as simple as the fact that it's fake,' he begins. 'Because it's fake people look down on it, which doesn't make any more sense than saying: who likes Hamlet, that's fake.'

He goes on to point out that the 'real versus fake' debate simplifies the complexities of good storytelling in wrestling and gives people an easy way to label the sport-entertainment conglomerate and its fans. 'Yeah, it is fake, but is it well done? Do you get involved with the characters and their personalities? I think people stop at, 'Oh it's fake, therefore it's for children and idiots.' Well, there are children and idiots who like wrestling, but there are also intelligent people who like wrestling. Source:

On Friday to wish show personality 'Prime Time' Sam Roberts a happy birthday. He ended up discussing his departure from WWE and confirmed that getting yelled at by Vince McMahon through the headsets during the Smackdown tapings got to him. Mick said the tension had been building for weeks and added that the final straw came during the Edge and Vickie Guerrero wedding.

Foley said the wedding singers had been going on for nearly three minutes when he decided to say, 'What a special moment.' VInce got upset and yelled, 'Layout damn it!' Foley said he wanted to walk out of the building at that moment. Source:

Is reporting that MVP upset members of WWE management recently by making a derogatory comment to one of the testers who watches the WWE performers while they submit urine samples. His comment inspired WWE head of talent relations John Laurinaitis to indirectly address the matter in locker room meeting. Laurinaitis instructed talent to be respectful of the testers. Those who were aware of the MVP story felt it was obvious that the meeting was held because of his incident. 'Did you hear about the MAJOR altercation in the locker room area of a recent wrestling event where a top hand had it out with a tester. Seems as if someone in catering failed to test the mashed potatoes and they weren't creamy and buttery enough and there was quite the issue that ensued. Thank goodness that the fish that was throughly cooked that day or this matter could have gotten really ugly and made big news on the 'net.

I hear a team meeting will be held to discuss this issue but that the potato matter won't be specifically addressed. Hey, being a tester and doing one's job can be very.' A former WWE champion and one of the most controversial names in pro wrestling may be coming home. The rumors have been hot for the last few weeks regarding TNA superstar Kevin Nash.

Nash has been telling sources that he could return to the WWE as soon as October. Talk about stirring the pot? Kevin Nash has been both a blessing and a curse since coming to TNA Wrestling. On the plus side, Nash brings with him national recognition and has been able to give his “star run” to some of the younger talent.


On the minus side, Nash has walked out of tapings and been a terrible headache according to some within TNA. Is this what the WWE needs in 2008? Source: As of today, I am a free agent in the world of professional wrestling. I will always be grateful to WWE for affording me so many incredible opportunities over the past thirteen years, but feel the time is right to pursue other endeavors. This move frees me up to participate in more film, television and voice roles, autograph sessions, speaking engagements, volunteer work, and will allow me the time to start work on a third novel, a fourth wrestling memoir and a new children’s story. Over the next few weeks I will be working with my management team at Braverman/Bloom Co., Inc.

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In pursuing a couple of unique investment opportunities. I can confirm I have had discussions with TNA Wrestling and have come to a short-term agreement. I am very excited about the specifics of this agreement and the potential it holds. Source:

Disclaimer: This site is in no way affiliated with Triple H, Paul Levesque, WWE, Inc., TNA Wrestling, Ring of Honor Wrestling or EVOLVE/Dragon Gate. The name Triple H and all WWE, TNA, ROH and EVOLVE media and programming logos are trademarks owned by their respective owners. All other trademarks, logos and copyrights are the property of their respective owners. No copyright infringement is implied or intended. KLQ-NWT is simply a Triple H and professional wrestling fansite. All photos, snapshots and multi-media are used under fair use copyright law 107.

All original content © KLQ-NWT 2006-2018 All Rights Reserved. 'I think that if you go through life and no one hates you, then that means you're not good at anything' - Triple H.

This entry was posted on 07.10.2019.