Kamidori Alchemy Meister Save Editor

  1. Kamidori Alchemy Meister English
  2. Kamidori Alchemy Meister Save
  3. Kamidori Alchemy Meister Save Editor
  1. Load Save198,skip until the end and choose to save bonus.Enjoy your new game. *What's new in this data?_? 1-All characters' level 99 (not all stats max though).
  2. Aug 25, 2017 - This is the link for 100% save CG and games story. Kamidori Alchemy Meister save game. Hope you like it my friend. Also I'll give you a trainer.

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Mar 18, 2012  Page 32- [PC] Kamidori Alchemy Meister Visual Novels, Mobage & Anime Spin-Off Games.

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Kamidori Alchemy Meister English

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If anything, it seems you're loosely supposed to go Yuela-weak ass elf girl-Emelita. H-scene wise, I liked Kamidori a lot too, it has plenty of short scenes with pretty much all characters, most of which you can get in a single playthrough.

The new game plus content is nice if you're interested in the gameplay. Personally I kept playing it for the nice atmosphere, world and characters, the game keeping to give me new goals even after the initial playthrough and unlocking the many short and juicy H-scenes. Route: I played through the Serawi route - and honestly, I did feel like that route was the weakest of the three, like other posters have said. If I did it all over again, I would pick the Yuela route. Story: The broader story (never minding the fact that I played through the Serawi route) may not be anything special, but I actually rather enjoyed it.

It has a special charm to it and I felt like it was fun to follow all throughout. The character sub-routes (all of which you more or less inevitably follow) are all fun and I grew pretty attached to certain characters. It may not blow your mind, but the story is better than most people would give it credit for to be honest. Gameplay: On the whole I loved the gameplay. It is, be warned, a long game even if you take the grinding short-cut, and it can actually be somewhat difficult to progress at times. Still, the gameplay is absolutely wonderful and it is what kept me going.

Even without the H-scenes I still would've played the game just by the virtue of that gameplay alone. Seriously, the gameplay is unbelievably good. There are a few problems, though. While the gameplay is incredible for a tactical rpg (among the best I've played, and certainly destroys most other VN-based rpg games in this regard), running through it a second time on New Game + is deeply unsatisfying if you're looking for a challenge. This is because the game has wonky leveling carryover on NG+, causing your characters to either all remain at the level you previously found them (bad), or causing them to remain at pre-set minimums (which can range from 1 to.80.yeah). It is also possible to miss a few companions if you are not careful about how you approach the game, and there are many companions gated behind NG+. H-scenes: H-scenes are all universally found later in the game, and I'd say it'd be nearly impossible to get to the first one in one sitting.

The H-scenes are actually pretty good once you do get to them, though. One thing to keep in mind is that you eventually unlock the H-scenes of just about everyone in later chapters. I'm normally fine with H-scenes, but I legitimately wish they didn't exist in this game, as I feel like they were (story-wise) just thrown in there at times. The H-scenes were all high quality with great artwork, but characterization-wise they did cheapen certain characters like Melodiana for me. Characters: Speaking of which, Melodiana and especially Elizasleyn are my personal favorites.

The entire cast is (while not Majikoi-level) pretty good, though. Even characters like Emelita, who I thought I wouldn't like at first, grew on me and had surprisingly engaging backstories. Tl;dr Fantastic gameplay, decent story, H-scenes are high-quality but thrown in there, be wary of the length. On the whole I'd definitely recommend the game. I played Yuela's and Serawi's routes, then got finally bored with the gameplay after a good 400 hours or so and stopped.

The story is really nothing too exciting - Character development isn't really there, nothing in the specific routes really felt like it was driving me to play more. I'll say that the sub-stories in which you get more followers and party members are rather nice, though nothing amazing. Gameplay is, by far, the strong point of Kamidori. Even if the strategy comes down to using the weapons that are stronger against any particular enemy, it's plenty of fun and can actually get a bit complicated in terms of positioning and when enemies with different weaknesses appear. I'd say all the H-scenes I saw were pretty good.

None of them really feel necessary to the story, but the CGs are nice and the writing is decent. Can you tell me which routes you followed: Yuela x3 Serwawi x2 Emelita x2. Which one was best for you?: Yuela was diabetes inducing at points. Especially when you craft the beds.

Which one has the best sex scenes?: Lewd Elf a best and Hannah, holy shit extreme lewd preistess. What you like most on the game? The replay value and countless hours of achieving ever ultimate craft weapons and items. Got to 100% it all.

The Cameos were sick too by other Eushully characters. Dislike I had: Punishment/brutality early game and finding ways to level up characters for getting all scenes. Basically everything before new game plus. First time around with new game plus is extremely punishing and RNG based (ogres and cat people). I completed some of the lvl 80 maps outside on my second run after grinding that king slime thing. On my third run I finished them all and started the Asmodeus dudgeons and grinding the character items for the fountain of youth.

On my consecutive runs of the route I forgot about Serwawi's, Emilitas, and Yuelas weapons and some scene recollections after that. The drive to 100% made me replay the game a lot plus the gameplay was good, it reminded me when I was playing Pokemon Mystery Dungeon when I was a kid. I went down all the routes but started with Yuela. The best H-scene for me was in Yuelas route, but you only miss out on the other two main heroine scenes, you get all the other characters. What i liked most in the game, were the actual game mechanics. What I disliked is how half of the characters are locked before NG+, along with my personal favorite Mylen Ploa. Morph was under utelized, and in the end game certain characters lack skills that would make them usable.

I dont remember much about the story, but it was more the possibility in the universe that kept me interested. I would be excited for a sequel, there is lots of room for other stories. Yeah, I remember looking into a bunch of the different games in the same setting, but none of them really looked like they would have gameplay I would enjoy. Madou Koukaku looked the best gameplay wise, but it isn't translated and I'm ultimately too lazy to learn Japanese just for one game.

I mostly just want to see what happens to Yuidora after the next 50-100 years. The rate at which the alchemists come up with inventions could make the city a real powerhouse, and the Empire and the Kingdom might not take kindly to that. I'd like to see the tactical combat of Kamidori mixed with a civ-like strategic layer, and a lot of other things but I doubt it's ever going to happen. Can you tell which routes you followed? I went for Emelita at first, but I had to switch to Yuella because I got stuck in certain dungeon. I finished Emelita right after that in NG+ mode. I have technically started Seralwi few months ago, but I am farming the artifacts rather than following the story.

What you most liked on the game? The mechanic of changing weapons to counter the opponent was the highlight for me. I think they nicely hit the balance between making the mechanic simple enough to be intuitive and complex enough to keep me focused. Especially during the first playthrough I always felt the need to really position the most suitable character against that particular enemy.

The alchemy and store management portions of the game made for a nice variety. The gameplay was definitely the strong point of the game for me and I think it surpasses numerous regular RPG titles. Story was kind of there - nothing spectacular, but it worked well to keep the missions together. The H-scenes were definitely on the better side of what I've seen, but the distribution didn't feel right. At some point there was H-scene after H-scene while I actually couldn't wait to go kill some mobs.

Also story-wise many of the scenes felt rather out of place. In the end, I ctrld' through most of them. I think an all-age version wouldn't be that bad idea actually - I could at least recommend the game to some people who still take me for a normal person.

Which one was the best for you? Because playing it first and not in NG+ mode, Yuella's route left much more impression on me. I enjoyed the atmosphere of the war campaign missions. Lastly I may or may not have a thing or two for dark-haired tsundere girls, so there's that. So character-wise Yuella. Gameplay-wise, I like Emelita a lot. Once she got Sonic scream, double action, undress and prevail, she's a total cute little beast.

Sometimes when she gets a lucky crit and oneshots tha enemy, I catch myself cheering for her. Wil also became one of my most important characters. Recently, I also leveled up two of the bonus characters (Leguna and Lili) to the max and they often steal the show due to better stats (thanks Marwen set levelling).

Dislikes While the gameplay was the best part for me, it could use some tweaks to make it more enjoyable. I'd reduce the number of gear enhancements to make each of them feel more impactful. Also, the price could be made more affordable early game.

I couldn't really afford the upgrades until they made no difference anyway. Random number level-up points is a bad idea in my opinion - I'd like more control over that. Characters should be more balanced - some are so situational I never use then at all.

I forgot why I loved/hated the game. Story and images were pretty good. Resource grind was not.

I ended up cheating for resources, though you can do more but you lose out on the other fun. Running this with the game as is helps in adding resources if you don't want to grind through the maps time and time and time and time again. Spoiler AI is Japanese, though it has an English add on so most of the internal menus are legible. Start up the Meister, then run Spoiler AI and in real time add resources so you can avoid the worst of the grind. Click to expand.Hmm I'm still in the middle of learning so I don't know yet if it was worth it. When it comes to studying language the longer you go the more you get out of it and since I like VN-s it will pay off. As for what I'm using, well I'm only focusing on reading right now so I looked up methods that help with that.


The first thing to study is grammar (knowing katakana and hiragana is needed for this). I read Tae Kim's guide and Japanese The Manga Way to get an overall understanding on how grammar works (I heard Genji is also good). These are really good if you need to look something up later. After this you can use a text hooker and translator to get each words meaning (there are guides for this) and with the grammar you know, you can put togather the sentence.

Since you have to check every word and you have to look up grammar quite often, at the start it will be slow and you will butcher the first few things you read. That's why the second thing to do is study vocab and the third is kanji. The more of those you know the less you have to look up and you will read faster.

Kamidori Alchemy Meister Save

For vocab I use an anki deck and make a new card for every new word I encounter, and for kanji I use wanikani which is a paid service. As I read VN-s I see the same words and grammar over and over so I remember them after a while. Anki and wankiani only help this process. Honestly this method works well for me but I wouldn't recommend it if you seriously want to learn japanese.

What I did is get into reading VN-s as fast as I can so I wouldn't give up on studying. Having an issue that only started happening very recently. The game creates two or three more instance windows during combat, causing the taskbar to slide in and back out once the fight is over. Needless to say, this is incredibly off-putting.

Things I've tried to no avail: Opening the game in Window mode and disabling notifications. Doesn't work as it doesn't show in the system tray.

Disabling Aero Peek. Still happens. Playing the game in Window Mode.

Kamidori Alchemy Meister Save Editor

See the screenshot for a good idea of what I'm talking about. So can anyone suggest what WILL work? I actually can't play it like this. Auto-hide Taskbar doesn't help because I can STILL see it happening. Click to expand.I AM playing it in full screen mode.

The taskbar only slides in during combat. As you can see, the taskbar slides in and obscures some of the screen.

I know what it is now. It's the visual effects creating window instances of their own. I wish I knew what I could do about it, though. Turning off Combat Animations in the Configuration stops the taskbar popping in like that, but I like the sprites. There has to be something in Windows that stops it acting like a dick. No prequels exist.

Everything you need to understand what's going on is explained to you pretty early on. So I needed to download, install and use K-Lite Codec Pack (Basic), but that's just for starters.

When it finished, I needed to run the 'Detect and Remove broken Codecs and Filters' function under General - Fixes. Next, I hopped over to MS Codec Tweaks and disabled everything. Then I went into Preferred Decoders and changed everything I could from 'Use Microsoft' to 'Use MERIT'.

I checked in battle using Servalwi's Snipe attack. No errant extra ActiveMovie windows popping up.

I can fully enjoy this game once again. ACTUALLY FIXED! The above runs the battle scenes without ActiveMovie butting in.

But the animations don't play. However, I didn't give up.

I'd had enough, booted up the Codec Tweaker again and hit 'Reset'. Went back in to re-enable Microsoft DTV-DVD decoder (The first one, there's two for some reason), Apply & Close.

Then I went into General - Fixes and placed a check mark beside both 'Detect and Remove' and 'Reregister' options. Apply & Close. I wasn't expecting this to work, but it did. Imagine my surprise! Now I can ACTUALLY enjoy this game fully once again. Do you guys play in full screen or windowed? It seems like the native resolution of the pictures aren't the same dimensions of my monitor so when I full screen there is a huge black border all around.

I tried the virtual option (not sure what it's supposed to do really) and the game takes up the whole screen but everything is blurry. EDIT: My game is freezing on the intro video and when I select some items and when I try to pick up the feather in the tutorial it freezes for a while then I can't do anything. I checked the readme for the English patch and it said 'Your system's LAV Splitters for handling MPEG movie files are not configured correctly. Reconfigure or disable them.' But I have no idea what it's talking about or how to do that. I checked and it seems like a lot of people were having that problem but I can't find a solution, any help would be greatly appreciated.

Please Log in / Register to view this link Tried both running ntleasWin.exe and picking the age.exe via AppPath AND then after copying all the folder contents in the screenshot into game folder and dropping the age.exe onto ntleasWin.exe and clicking Save & Run. Nothing happens. The config window closes and game exe does not starts. I have Windows 10, of course. I can run game exe by double clicking it, but then it crashes with first text window because, I assume, no Jap locale. Can anyone help me out and tell me how I can resolve this problem?

This entry was posted on 27.09.2019.