Free Download Film Thailand Crazy Little Thing Called Love 2

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  3. Crazy Little Thing Called Love Movie

Movie: A Little Thing Called Love / A Crazy Little Thing Called Love Thai: สิ่งเล็กๆ ที่เรียกว่ารัก Director: Puttipong Promsaka Na Sakolnakorn, Wasin Pokpong Writer: Puttipong Promsaka Na Sakolnakorn, Wasin Pokpong Producer: Somsak Tejcharattanaprasert and Panya Nirankol Cinematographer: Reungwit Ramasudh Release Date: August 12, 2010 (Thailand) Runtime: 118 min. Distributor: Sahamongkol International and Work Point Language: Thai Country: Thailand The ordinary 14 year old girl Nam is unattractive or in simple termsugly. But she’s always been secretly in love with an older guy in grade 10 called Chon, the most popular student in high-school. He’s hot, perfect and generous, and that’s what makes girls go crazy about him, including Nam too. But she doesn’t give up easily. She tries to do everything to make her get noticed by the boy she loves, in the hope of him turning around to look at her just one more time.

I watched this movie a couple of months ago with my friends. At first I wasn't interested because I wasn't really into Thai movies. But I gave it a try because many friends said it was good.

CRAZY LITTLE THING CALLED LOVE 2. Nana is the author of '9 Recipes of Love' after he visited Thailand to. CRAZY LITTLE THING CALLED LOVE The.

This movie is about an unpopular teenage girl named Nam who has a crush on Shone, a handsome popular guy. It's fun actually to see how Nam is changing into a beautiful girl, because at first I thought it was a completely different person. And also this triangle love between Nam, Shone and Shone's friend. The ending is quite good. I recommend this movie because it's fun, not boring, and just honest.

The acting is quite good. For older people and teenage boys, it's still watchable. I actually cried and laughed watching it.

Enjoy the movie! Highly recommended. Must say that the film exploded far far beyond my expectations. It was an excellent combination of comedy and romance with extraordinary feelings. Baifern Pimchanok Luevisadpaibul gave her Outstanding Performance.It's such a quality performance from young actress like this, she's utterly adorable.

What more I can say. Love Baifern Too Much So Much Very Much Right Now. This is a film that you can watch over and over and over again and it will never get old. Worth every currency,dollar,cent. 9/10 MUST SEE.

Full Review posted @ The first 15 minutes of the movie was the introduction of the characters and the situation the characters were in. The story is centered on an average, plain-looking and dark-skinned girl named Nam (Baifren Pimchanok Luevisadpaibul) who is secretly in love with an older Grade 10 guy named Shone (Mario Maurer). Shone, a new student, a rumored troublemaker and a photography enthusiast, easily becomes a popular student in school because of his good looks and soccer-playing skills.

The movie was like a real life adaptation of the Ugly Duckling. Nam was well aware that she has slim chances of being noticed by Shone because of her physical looks, but does not give up easily. With the help of her close girl friends, Nam tries everything to make herself more beautiful and outstanding in school, hoping that Shone will like her someday.

Nam's transformation each year was a refreshing scene you'll look forward to in the movie. In every change in her look, you'll wonder if by this time Shone will finally see her efforts and hope that he'll reciprocate her feelings. Another character that indirectly helped Nam in her transformation from an ugly dark-skinned girl to a glowing lovely growing up lass was her domineering but comical teacher Inn (Sudarat Budtporm). She was one hell of a comedian. I was really laughing hard every time she has a scene from the movie.

She's like Pokwang. Her acting and funny antics were effortless! I can say that she was one of the characters that will sustain your interest in the movie. Aside from the comical part of the movie, its tear-jerky scenes are really worth your tears. The most painful part for me was when Nam finally had the courage to reveal her true feelings for Shone.

However, upon seeing a note in Shone's shirt that Shone and Pin, a girl from Shone's class who once defended her from bullies, are in a relationship, she gets heartbroken and weepingly wished Shone and Pin the best. She even fell in the swimming pool! Baifren Pimchanok acting for this scene was awesome. She was able to portray the right emotion needed for the scene. You'll feel sorry for her and share her pain, and at the same time makes you remember the first time your heart was broken. Mario Maurer's acting on the other hand, was very consistent. You really wouldn't notice that he's hiding something from his cool facade.

Midway in the movie, I even thought that Nam should just give it up because I think Shone would never like her. There was no hint whatsoever that he likes Nam too.

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Film Thailand Crazy Little Thing Called Love Subtitle Indonesia

So the twist in the story was really a revelation for me. When the POV shifted to Shone's, it was unveiled that Shone likes Nam since she was an M.1 student. That was really unexpected! Of course, I knew that it would have a happy ending since this is romance but I never thought Shone has feelings for her too even when Nam was still not pretty. Ah The beauty of first love. Okay, I was really into the movie.

But there are still some parts of it I don't like. First, Nam's friends. For the whole of the movie, they look the same.

I mean, look at Nam! She developed herself in every step of the way but her friends never even changed-not one bit. They don't have to make them all beautiful because that will make the movie unrealistic but they could have made them look different for every passing year. It was like they were stuck with their appearance from 1st Grade. Second, Shone's appearance after nine years and again Nam's friends.

The dark-skinned Shone doesn't look nice. I know they want him to look mature so they curled his hair and made him tanner but for me it he turned out 'baluga'. They could have made him mature in so many other ways. Nam friends had changed but it was too drastic. I know nine years was a long period but the change in them seems too sudden. They tried to show that one of her friends became a pilot or something but it didn't fit.

If they made the changes throughout the movie, then their sudden change at the end wouldn't be a shock. Lastly, I was not contented with the ending. Yes, it's a happy ending but after all they've went through, I was like, that was it?! The ending was okay but it was very brief. It left too many questions.

It's as if the director and the writer just wanted to end the movie and raise the curtains so they made them meet on a television show. I was happy that they met again and their feelings were finally revealed and in national television but again it was not enough. There's the nine years gap of what happened with their lives and the explanation of the black book. Maybe it was probably even better if they included a little teaser at the end showing what happened after their television appearance. Well, at least there'd be a sequel for the movie so might as well stop bitching about the ending now.

I fell in love with the story. Watching the movie was like riding a train back to memory lane. It made me remember my own craziness in high school. The beauty of first love, friendship and dreams. It was a refreshing movie from what I usually watch here in the Philippines. I just wish we can do something like this—very light but very meaningful. Since watching The Love of Siam (2007), I was slightly interested in romantic films made ​​by Thailand.

Moreover, actor Mario Maurer as important here. Acting was good and it deserves the best actor. Here is also a very good actor especially when she turned into someone who is beautiful, very different!

Film Thailand Crazy Little Thing Called Love Full

In addition, the presentation of the film is flat and easy to understand is perfect. Humor served very fitting. Very good ending.

The audience is not disappointed with a fairly long duration. Friendship and sense of romance is very touching.

That little thing on my first love is very important, and I never felt it. Therefore, I gave a rating of 10! This is a film that anyone can enjoy, provided they leave their own cultural bias' by the door.

The story in itself is pretty unremarkable. It's a teen love story, and if there's a way to create something unique in the way of plot vehicles for this genre, I'd like to hear it. What this particular film does, in its own sublime way, is reveal so much about the character and culture of the world's most lovable people. Thais are at once childlike and somber.

The inhabit a world that is at once filled with mystical notions and aspirations, and also rife with the most petty and spiteful stereotypes and internal racism. Nam, the protagonist for this film, is characterized as 'plain' and 'awkward' in the film's beginning. But she's not. She's a quite pretty young girl. What she's really subordinated by is her Thai features and dark complexion. If you've not lived here, you may be entirely unaware of the social status Chinese features and pale skin award people, and how much shame is bestowed on those who look exactly like the indigenous people of this region. The filmmaker is courageous in revealing this less-than-laudable aspect of Thai culture, with Nam's teacher calling her 'dark skinned' in the film's opening moments.

In spite of this honesty, the movie also manages to very lovingly portray the universal extremes of a girl's blooming feelings for her first boy crush, but again very Thai in it's portrayal. From Nam's sizable but immediately recognizable friend Cheer, to her celebratory booty shaking dance moment, there is so much here that is uniquely Thai, and very endearing to those of us who love and admire these warm hear- ted people. Is the movie overly simple in it's plot? This isn't a mystery, it's a very very real portrayal of a Thai girl's fantasy of romance. Everything from the single parent household to the female dominated population speaks of Thailand today. I loved this movie because it didn't try to be American or European, or another Chinese Kung Fu epic.

It's just a great little story about a Thai girl's dreams. I don't want to give away any spoilers, so please excuse me for being vague. To be completely honest, I expected little to nothing from this movie. I must have overlooked it several times. When I finally sat down to watch this movie it started out a little corny. It's a type of corny where you want to laugh because you are SO glad that isn't you.

The movie attacks your heart strings. If you're looking for a deep romance movie, this is what you need to see.

The actors are believable, the sets are very detailed, and the story line is great. Not to mention the different layers within the movie. Lets just say I was pleasantly surprised. Her name is Nam, she is ugly and she's in love with the very good looking boy, a good looking person, Shone's also nice to every girl in his school. Shone has everything: good in sport & arts, great face, and wonderful personality and Name has ugly face, bad fashion, and she wasn't smart after all but hey, She's good in English.

Crazy Little Thing Called Love Movie

This movie begins with that terms. The way's Nam fight for her feeling with comical face, with her small funny group who had been with her since grade 1, is the best part in this movie which can make you laugh so badly and yes, also can make you wanna be back in 17s again (I'm sure of it if you're over 20s like me) After Nam played as a snow white then BAMMMMMM She's beautiful, sexy, hot and also smart. Her first love changes her so much and I don't like it, I feel like the funny Nam's gone ans she looks like so lame, not strong as the Ugly Nam. The story lines's trying to tell that Love can change someone to be the great person if they're able to handle with the right attitude but what happens with Nam? I think that's too much. And YES, I laugh hardly when Nam was beautiful because hey girls, you don't have to be beautiful to get your love and happiness, all you need just like the ugly Nam, She's natural and acts like her self. I wanna give this title 4 stars but saw how's funny Mario Maurer and Baifern Pimchanok Luevisadpaibul in this movie, I give 2 stars extra.

6 stars out of 10. I was fooled by the reviews on IMDb to watch this movie with high expectation but it turned out to be a very lame, bland movie that might only be acceptable or even loved by kids just reach puberty age. The screenplay was badly written, directed poorly and the acting of most actors, teenagers or adult, male or female, were just as bad as you could get. The movie was so pretentiously made, looked forced and phony to the extreme.

The acting was just horrible to watch, so exaggerated and so elementary level. The screenplay was also childish and naive. There was nothing worth spending time to write a review. The actress who played Cinderella or black swan was a beautiful young lady.

The actress who played as her mother was without any acting talent. There were so many clown or jerk like characters in this movie, classmates, teachers, sister, relatives, so many that just kept deteriorating the whole movie, made it like a poorly assembled 'Farce'. This movie definitely is targeted for teenagers, especially for those junior high girls who are starting to dream about romance no matter how ugly they are, they would just focus on those handsome boys. I just couldn't comprehend why casting so many ugly young Thai teenage girls to support just one pretty girl. The overly manipulated contrast just made me sick. I think this movie is quite good to kill time if you felt boring with nothing to do.

The story is simple but true.The presentation of this movie is flat. The facial expressions of some characters are a little bit exaggerate, but this is Thai style as always. As a matter of fact,I have watched several Thai movies before, some of them have the similar topics, such as 'My Girl,Fan Chan'. And I think that movie is even better than this one. I think I will rate the movie 6 if I didn't watch the last part of the movie. In my opinion,the scene of 'after couples of years' is really an unnecessary addition. It just makes the movie naive.

This entry was posted on 28.09.2019.